IBW Hackathon: ICP

2087 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 5
2087 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 5

This campaign is over.

starts on:
Oct 21, 2023, 03:30 AM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Dec 03, 2023, 06:29 PM UTC (UTC)



Enter as a Vision, Exit as a Venture

The Internet Computer Protocol (ICP) is transforming the internet, ushering in serverless cloud capabilities for the public web. Crewsphere: ICP India Hub invites developers, startups, and blockchain enthusiasts to unite in our mission. We're bridging the gap between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0, aiming for a decentralized digital future.




SocialFi Applications
  • Promote social interactions on chains, where users own their data.


Social interactions on blockchain where users own their data represent a groundbreaking approach to reshaping how we engage in the digital world. This concept revolves around using blockchain technology to create a more secure, user-centric, and transparent environment for online interactions. In this paradigm, users retain ownership and control of their data, which is a significant departure from traditional social media platforms where data exploitation and privacy concerns often prevail. 

Many implementations of social interactions on blockchain aim for decentralization, meaning that no single entity or organization controls the network. This reduces the risk of data misuse or censorship, making the environment more democratic.

The overall aim is to empower individuals, foster a more equitable digital economy, and create a user-centric online environment where data privacy and control are paramount. This innovative approach holds the potential to address the shortcomings of traditional social networking platforms and provide users with more autonomy over their digital lives.

Task details

Your task is to promote social interactions on chains where users own their data. You could include the following while building your solution:

  • User centric data ownership and blockchain
    • Build a platform or solution that empowers users to take control of their data and ensure a more secure, transparent, and equitable online environment for social interactions.
  • Decentralized identity
    • Implement decentralized identity solutions to authenticate and ensure user privacy and reduce the risks of identity theft.
  • Interoperability (testing process)
    • Ensure the platform is interoperable with other decentralized applications and social platforms.
    • Promote user choice and create a more inclusive digital ecosystem.

For example, you can build a decentralized social networking platform where user data is owned and controlled by individual users rather than a centralized entity. Decentralized social platforms can reduce the control that a single entity has over user data and interactions, promoting a more distributed and democratic model. Reducing the risk of data breaches and misuse through blockchain-based data storage.

Tech stack

Submission format

  • Detailed idea description
  • PPT to support your idea (approach, flowchart, workflow, prototype related information, future scope etc.)


All the resources are linked in the Resource center please check.

DAO Tooling
  • Develop tools to host and enhance the governance process for Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) on the blockchain.


    DAOs are organizations that are run by smart contracts on a blockchain, without a central authority. They often rely on token-based voting mechanisms to make decisions, distribute resources, and set governance rules. DAOs are used in various contexts, including decentralized finance (DeFi), governance of blockchain networks, and community-led projects.

    Governance in DAOs encompasses decision-making, rule-setting, and resource allocation. Members or token holders participate in voting to determine the direction and policies of the organization. Effective governance ensures that decisions are made collectively, transparently, and fairly.

    Tools designed to host and enhance the governance process for DAOs on the blockchain play a pivotal role in enabling the democratic and efficient management of decentralized entities. DAOs are blockchain-based organizations that operate through smart contracts, allowing participants to collectively make decisions and control resources. 

    Task details

    Your task is to develop tools to host and enhance the governance process for Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) on the blockchain. You could include the following while building your solution: 

    • User-friendly governance interfaces
      • Develop tools to host and enhance the governance process for Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) on the blockchain. The core challenge is to create tools that simplify and improve the functioning of DAOs. 
    • Decentralized decision-making
      • These tools might include software platforms, applications, or smart contract frameworks that streamline various aspects of DAO governance.
    • Automated proposal management
      • Implement smart contract frameworks that automate proposal submission, reducing the administrative burden on DAO participants.

    For example, you can build a voting system for DAO members built on the ICP blockchain that ensures transparency and fraud prevention.

    Tech stack

    Submission format

    • Detailed idea description
    • PPT to support your idea (approach, flowchart, workflow, prototype-related information, future scope, etc.)


    All the resources are linked in the Resource center please check.

Privacy-Focused Applications
  • Create applications that prioritize user data privacy.


    Applications that prioritize user data privacy on the blockchain are becoming increasingly essential as concerns about data security and privacy continue to grow. These applications leverage the unique features of blockchain technology to provide users with a higher level of control and confidentiality over their personal information.

    Task details

    Your task is to build applications that prioritize user data privacy. You could include the following while building your solution: 

    • Decentralized identity management
      • Create a self-sovereign identity system where users have full control over their personal data.
      • Implement user-centric identity management, ensuring data privacy.
    • Data monetization and sharing
      • Enable users to selectively share their data with organizations in exchange for tokens or rewards.
      • Develop a data marketplace where users can monetize their data securely.
    • Secure communication and messaging
      • Implement blockchain-based messaging with end-to-end encryption and data ownership.
      • Ensure that only intended recipients have access to messages.
    • Zero-knowledge proof authentication
      • Incorporate advanced cryptographic techniques like zero-knowledge proofs to validate data without revealing the data itself.
      • Apply these techniques to authenticate users and validate transactions.

    For example, you could build a secure messaging app on the ICP platform with end-to-end encryption and zero-knowledge proofs.

    Tech stack

    Submission format

    • Detailed idea description
    • PPT to support your idea (approach, flowchart, workflow, prototype-related information, future scope, etc.)


    All the resources are linked in the Resource center please check.

RWA DeFi Protocols
  • Use https outcalls to develop real-world data streams on-chain and tokenize new assets.


    Using HTTPS outcalls, you can integrate real-world data streams into blockchain networks, enabling the tokenization of new assets. This process involves bringing external data securely onto the blockchain, where it can be used to represent and manage various assets in a decentralized and secure manner. The integration of external data streams enhances the versatility of blockchain ecosystems by allowing the creation of tokens used by real-world assets.

    Task details

    Your task is to use https outcalls to bring real-world data streams on-chain and tokenize new assets. You could include the following while building your solution: 

    • HTTPS outcalls integration
      • Develop a mechanism for making secure and reliable HTTPS outcalls to retrieve real-world data.
      • Ensure data integrity and authenticity in the retrieval process.
    • Smart contract development
      • Create smart contracts that can receive, validate, and process external data.
      • Establish the rules and conditions for token creation and management based on the incoming data.
    • Asset tokenization
      • Implement a tokenization system that uses the retrieved data to represent real-world assets, such as commodities, real estate, or financial instruments.

    For example, you can build a platform to tokenize real-estate assets, allowing users to invest and trade fractional ownership of properties.

    Tech stack

    Submission format

    • Detailed idea description
    • PPT to support your idea (approach, flowchart, workflow, prototype-related information, future scope, etc.)


    All the resources are linked in the Resource center please check.

Multichain Infrastructure and Dapps
  • Build applications that interact with other blockchains using Chain-key signatures and fetch data from RPC nodes.


    Applications that interact with other blockchains using chain-key signatures and fetch data from RPC (Remote Procedure Call) nodes play a significant role in the interoperability and functionality of blockchain networks. For example, a cross-chain decentralized exchange (DEX) that enables seamless trading of assets between ICP and other blockchains.

    These applications enable cross-chain communication and data retrieval securely and efficiently. Such applications are pivotal for ensuring secure, reliable, and efficient cross-chain communication and data retrieval. They are fundamental to the growing ecosystem of blockchain interoperability and facilitate various use cases, from cross-chain asset swaps to DeFi services and NFT trading across different blockchain networks.

    Task details

    Your task is to promote multichain infrastructure and Dapps to interact with multiple blockchains. You could include the following while building your solution:

    • Chain-key Signature Implementation
      • Build applications that interact with other blockchains using chain-key signatures and fetch data from RPC nodes.
      • Ensure that the signature process is compatible with multiple blockchain protocols, enabling seamless authentication and access to data.
    • Interoperability Testing (Decentralized testing process)
      • Testing process is to ensure that DApps are compatible with the platforms and ICP for seamless integration.
      • Conduct thorough testing to ensure that the developed DApps (Decentralized Applications) can effectively interact with different blockchains.
      • Verify the functionality and security of Chain-Key signatures in authenticating transactions across various blockchain networks.

    Tech stack

    Submission format

    • Detailed idea description
    • PPT to support your idea (approach, flowchart, workflow, prototype-related information, future scope, etc.)


    All the resources are linked in the Resource center please check.

Gaming and Entertainment
  • Develop a solution using the capabilities of the ICP to revolutionize the gaming and entertainment industry. 


    Use the capabilities of the ICP to revolutionize the gaming and entertainment industry. The ICP offers a decentralized and scalable platform, making it ideal for creating innovative and engaging gaming experiences, as well as delivering next-level entertainment content distribution. For example, a decentralized virtual reality game world where assets and land are tokenized and owned by players.

    Task details

    Your task is to use the capabilities of ICP which can be integrated with gaming and entertainment sector. You could include the following while building your solution:

    • ICP Integration
      • Develop an integration strategy to incorporate ICP into gaming and entertainment platforms.
      • Ensure compatibility and scalability to accommodate diverse use cases for seamless integration.
    • Decentralized Gaming Platforms
      • Create decentralized gaming platforms that utilize ICP's capabilities to provide secure, transparent, and tamper-proof gaming experiences.
      • Explore blockchain technology for in-game assets, ownership, and unique gaming mechanics.
    • Entertainment Content
      • Use ICP to deliver interactive entertainment content, such as virtual reality experiences and augmented reality applications.
      • Implement decentralized content distribution to enhance accessibility and reduce mediator.

    Tech stack

    Submission format

    • Detailed idea description
    • PPT to support your idea (approach, flowchart, workflow, prototype related information, future scope etc.)


    All the resources are linked in the Resource center please check.

Social Impact and Sustainability
  • Create solutions that make a meaningful impact on society or the environment.


    This initiative focuses on developing innovative solutions that deliver a meaningful and positive impact on society or the environment. Integrating  the Internet Computer Protocol (ICP) as a core technology, these solutions will aim to address social and environmental challenges while promoting sustainability. For example, a platform on ICP that tracks and verifies the carbon footprint of products, incentivizing sustainable manufacturing.

    Task details

    Your task is to promote sustainability that can deliver a positive impact on the environment. You could include the following while building your solution:


    • Use of Internet Computer Protocol (ICP)
      • Develop a solution using ICP that directly contributes to the betterment of society or the environment.
      • Integrate functions like reward practices, ultimately leading to a more responsible and eco-friendly future.
    • Blockchain Integration
      • Use blockchain technology to enhance transparency, traceability, and data integrity in the solutions.
      • Integrate blockchain in your solution for secure and tamper-proof record-keeping related to the social and environmental impact of products or services.

    Tech stack

    Submission format

    • Detailed idea description
    • PPT to support your idea (approach, flowchart, workflow, prototype related information, future scope etc.)


    All the resources are linked in the Resource center please check.

Open Innovation
  • Develop an innovative idea using blockchain and decentralized technology integrating ICP. Here, the sky's the limit.


    This category invites creative exploration across a wide spectrum of opportunities. The objective is to deliver groundbreaking solutions that challenge conventional boundaries and open collaboration. Encourage unrestricted creativity and visionary thinking without predefined boundaries.

    Promote collaboration, open-source contributions, and knowledge sharing among diverse communities. Enable the fusion of ideas and expertise from various domains to spark innovation. For example, A decentralized marketplace on the ICP for creators to license and monetize their digital assets, fostering open-source collaboration. The possibilities are boundless!

    Tech stack

    Submission format

    • Detailed idea description
    • PPT to support your idea (approach, flowchart, workflow, prototype related information, future scope etc.)


    All the resources are linked in the Resource center please check.

Security & Cloud
  • Develop robust security solutions and decentralized cloud computing models.


    This theme is centered around the development of security solutions and the establishment of decentralized cloud computing models. The primary focus is to create cutting-edge technologies that boost data protection, privacy, and the reliability of cloud-based services. Innovative cloud computing models that are decentralized in nature, reducing dependence on central entities and enhancing data control for users.

    The establishment of decentralized cloud computing models that offer enhanced reliability and control. For example, a secure, decentralized cloud storage solution on ICP, allowing users to rent out their unused storage capacity.

    Task details

    Your task is to develop cloud computing models and security solutions for them. You could include the following while building your solution:


    • Developing decentralized Cloud Architecture
      • Create a decentralized cloud architecture that distributes data storage and processing across a network of nodes, reducing single points of failure and enhancing data resilience.
      • Implement decentralized cloud solutions to democratize access to cloud resources and minimize dependency on a few centralized providers.
    • Security Enhancement
      • Develop advanced encryption techniques,detection system techniques, and identity verification methods to provide data security.
      • Enhance the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of sensitive information in the digital domain that will ensure the safety of digital assets in the cloud environment.

    Tech stack

    Submission format

    • Detailed idea description
    • PPT to support your idea (approach, flowchart, workflow, prototype related information, future scope etc.)


    All the resources are linked in the Resource center please check.

Health & Wellness
  • Create innovative solutions to promote health, wellness, and medical advancements.


    Development of innovative solutions that aim at advancing health, wellness, and medical progress. By using cutting-edge technology and  collaboration, the primary objective is to create transformative solutions that empower individuals to lead healthier lives and drive medical advancements.

    We support initiatives that encourage individuals to lead healthier lifestyles and make informed health decisions. Through using new technologies we want to empower individuals through introducing  decentralized health record systems. For example, A decentralized electronic health record system on ICP where patients have full control over who accesses their health data.

    Task details

    Your task is to develop a solution that helps the healthcare sector in advancement. You could include the following while building your solution:


    • Generating decentralized Health Records
      • Develop decentralized platforms or systems that give individuals full control over their electronic gadgets about their health records and personalized healthcare management.
      • Ensure the security and integrity of health data, while enabling convenient and secure sharing with authorized healthcare providers.
    • Health Tech advancements
      • Create a solution using innovative health technologies and applications, including telemedicine solutions that supports wearable devices, and healthcare analytics platforms.

    Tech stack

    Submission format

    • Detailed idea description
    • PPT to support your idea (approach, flowchart, workflow, prototype related information, future scope etc.)


    All the resources are linked in the Resource center please check.

E-commerce & Fintech Leveraging CKBTC
  • Design a solution that helps the e-commerce/fintech sector to capitalize on the ckBTC framework.


    Design e-commerce and fintech solutions that use the potential of the ckBTC(Chain-key Bitcoin) framework.The utilization of the ckBTC framework is to enhance e-commerce and fintech solutions. The goal is to develop integrated solutions that offer seamless, secure, and efficient e-commerce and financial services by leveraging the capabilities of ckBTC.

    Drive the development of e-commerce and fintech solutions that optimize the user experience, enabling secure and convenient online transactions. For example, an online marketplace built on the ICP blockchain, leveraging the ckBTC for instantaneous transactions and lower fees.

    Task details

    Your task is to design a solution that supports e-commerce platforms to capitalize on the ckBTC framework. You could include the following while building your solution:

    • E-commerce and Fintech Enhancement
      • Create platforms, applications, and services that enhance e-commerce processes, payment gateways, and financial products.
      • Innovate in the fintech sector by developing user-centric solutions that simplify financial transactions and investments.
    • Integration of ckBTC Framework in your solution
      • Implement the ckBTC framework with ICP as a foundational technology to enable secure and transparent e-commerce and fintech solutions.

    Tech stack

    Submission format

    • Detailed idea description
    • PPT to support your idea (approach, flowchart, workflow, prototype related information, future scope etc.)


    All the resources are linked in the resource center please check.

Prizes USD 35000 in prizes

Main Prizes
USD $35k prize pool
USD 35000

Top 10% best projects will get the prizes distributed accordingly.

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Aadarsh Shetty at aadarsh@hackerearth.com
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